Music & Wedding photography - Best of 2014

January 07, 2015  •  5 Comments

Wow! What a year, but of course I would say that. I'm not going to start of my 'best of 2014' blog post by saying the year was rubbish am I?

I met Brody Dalle, and photographed her for my first magazine cover,  I photographed the weddings of a couple even more obsessed with Lego than I am, I travelled up and down the country photographing beautiful people and sharing their wedding day with them, and I got to make lots of new friends!

Here are some of the highlights, enjoy.....

Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 4-Martin-Hobby-best-wedding-photos-2014-644-Martin-Hobby-best-wedding-photos-2014-64 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 2014 Martin Hobby Best wedding photos 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Jess Petrie(non-registered)
Nice mix of work there mate, especially liking the double exposure stuff. Have a great 2015 x
Sarah Legge(non-registered)
Knocked it out of the park, awesome work
Jan Funnell(non-registered)
Fabulous photographs Martin! A real joy to look through. Thank you so very much for the amazing job you did for Amy and Harvey's wedding. Happy New Year and a very best wishes for your future success. x
Laura Babb(non-registered)
Awesome 2014ness, Hobby. Here's to smashing it again this year.
Martin Hambleton(non-registered)
A whole heap of awesome (is that the collective noun?), but I particularly love those double exposures. What a photographer thing to say!
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